How To Know If You Are In The Right Career
The following are some of the most common reasons:
Fear of the unknown
Fear of change
Not knowing what their options are
Don't want to give up the familiar, no matter how uncomfortable the familiar is
Staying within their comfort zone
No time to search for something new
They just don't know how to make a change
Fear of failure
Fear of success (they may actually get what they dreamed of)
They fear the job search is more frustrating than their current unsatisfactory job
Not knowing where to begin

How often have we heard others give these reasons for not moving out of an unpleasant situation? How often have we said this to ourselves if we are actually misemployed? Imagine looking back over your life and saying, “I wish I would have done it differently.”

So often in life, it is not what we do that we regret, rather what we don't do that we regret the most. Things like not making a change when we knew a change was in order, or not taking the appropriate steps to move into a situation that would lend itself to a more fulfilling life both personally and professionally.

If you or anyone you know are looking to make a career change, the following steps will help to make a smoother transition and find the courage to make that shift:

Evaluate your current situation
Decide you are ready to change
Give yourself a timeframe for making the change
Get excited about the change
Become enlightened about your own values and realize you are worth a great situation
Decide what kind of career would truly make you happy
Determine what would bring you fulfillment
Believe you deserve it
Be willing to put time and effort into you transition
Have a plan of action
Take action on a daily basis
Consult with people who have been successful in their own career shift
Be willing to invest in yourself
Work with a coach to keep you motivated
Go after what you want

Most of all - be willing to acknowledge that life is not a dress rehearsal, this is the real thing. When you look back over your life are you going to wish you had it to do all over and you had taken risks to move you into situation that would bring a deep level of satisfaction to you and your loved ones? The reality is that when we are in a career that brings us a deep sense of satisfaction, all those around us benefit from the fact that we are more fully present in life rather than constantly talking about wishing things would change. The truly successful people in life are the ones who are willing to create their happiness on a daily basis with the minute-by-minute actions they take and the thoughts they entertain.


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